Lesson 5: Rectangles (Form)
The instructor:
- Asks children to study the top image and tells them it contains three rectangles.
- Tells children "rect" means right and "rectangle" means a figure composed of right angles.
- Asks children to find the various rectangles in the room in the form of doors, windows, pictures, etc.
- Makes each of the three types of rectangles in the air with their forefinger and asks children to name them.
Children study the lesson image and complete the following drill work:
- Draw a square rectangle and print the name under it.
- Draw a vertical rectangle and print the name under it.
- Draw a horizontal rectangle and print the name under it.
The instructor:
- Asks children to study the bottom image.
- Tells children the bottom image is made up of triangles and rectangles.
On a whiteboard or paper, the instructor draws each part of the image in the order stated, asking children to name each form as it is drawn.
- For example, 1, the body of the house, is a horizontal rectangle.
- 2, the roof, is an obtuse triangle.
- 3, the door, a vertical rectangle.
- 12, the smoke from the chimney, is an acute triangle.
- 5, the window, is a horizontal rectangle, etc.