Lesson 30: Paint a Design (Watercolors)
Drill Work Preparation:
- Divide the pad into nine parts as shown in the top image.
- Leave a narrow space between the parts, otherwise they will run together.
- Prepare a page like this for each of the drill exercises.
Drill Work Instructions:
- Mix wash 1 and paint part 1.
- Add a little more color to the wash and paint part 2.
- Add still more color to the wash and paint part 3.
- Add still more color to the wash and paint part 4.
Drill Work:
- Paint the design with the tints of red.
- Paint the design with the tints of orange.
- Paint the design with the tints of yellow.
- Paint the design with the tints of green.
- Paint the design with the tints of blue.
- Paint the design with the tints of violet.
- Paint the design with the tints gray.