Activity 1: Recite the Story Information
- Before and after reading or listening to the story, recite aloud the title and author of the play.
Activity 2: Narrate the Story
- After reading or listening to the story, narrate the events aloud in your own words.
Activity 3: See the Playwright and Poet William Shakespeare
- Study the controversial 'Cobbe portrait' below, which may be a real-life portrait of Shakespeare.
- The portrait contains the Latin phrase 'Principum amicitias!' which means 'The alliances of princes!'
Activity 4: Map the Play
- In the play 'Cymbeline,' the Romans invade Britain.
- Long ago, the Roman empire encompassed much of western and southern Europe. Its most notable capital was Rome, Italy, where Leonatus travels during the play. Find the city of Rome on the map of Italy.
- Trace the general path the Roman soldiers would have to travel from Rome, Italy to invade Britain (UK).
- Point to the locations of Italy and Britain on the map of the world.
Activity 5: Can You Find It?
During the week, zoom in to study the painting, 'Leonatus and Imogen,' by John Faed. Find the following:
- Leonatus
- Imogen
- Bracelet
- Something Stolen by Iachimo
Activity 6: Cast the Characters
- Serve as the casting director and audition actors and actresses for parts in your play.
- Reuse the same laminated actors and actresses you employed for prior plays.
- Color, cut out, laminate, and attach the names of the characters found on page 86 of 'Third Grade Shakespeare Theater Pages.'
- Using what you know from reading the story, cast each character by Velcroing a label to the box under the actor or actress you feel is best suited for the role.
Activity 7: Create a Character Map
- Cut out the relationship connectors on page 87 of 'Third Grade Shakespeare Theater Pages.'
- Using what you know from reading the story, place the relationship connectors between the characters to show their relationships.