Poetry of Fables, Fairies, and Fauna Fables, Fairies, and Fauna    

Lesson 6: The Acorn and the Pumpkin

by Jean de La Fontaine

Performer: Librivox - Rosslyn Carlyle

Once there was a country bumpkin

Who observed a great big pumpkin

To a slender stem attached;

While upon an oak tree nourished,

Little acorns grew and flourished.

"Bah!" said he. "That's badly matched."

"If, despite my humble station,

I'd a hand in this Creation,

Pumpkins on the oaks would be;

And the acorn, light and little,

On this pumpkin stem so brittle

Would be placed by clever Me."

Then, fatigued with so much thought,

He rest beneath the oak tree sought.

He soon in slumber found repose

But, alas! An acorn, falling

On the spot where he lay sprawling,

Hit him-plump!-Upon the nose.

Up he jumped-a wiser bumpkin.

"Gosh!" he said. "Suppose a pumpkin

Came a-fallin' on my face!

After all, if I had made things,

I'll allow that I'm afraid things

Might be somewhat out of place."

story image

    Poetry of Fables, Fairies, and Fauna Fables, Fairies, and Fauna    

Lesson 6: The Acorn and the Pumpkin

by Jean de La Fontaine

Performer: Librivox - Rosslyn Carlyle


Study the poem for one week.

Over the week:

  • Read or listen to the poem.
  • Review the synopsis.
  • Complete the enrichment activities.
  • Study the review questions.


A country bumpkin thinks pumpkins should grow on oak trees and acorns should grow on pumpkin vines until an acorn falls off a tree and hits him on the nose.


Activity 1: Recite the Title, the Poet's Name, and the Poem

  • Each day this week, recite aloud the title of the poem, the name of the poet, and the poem. Instructors may need to prompt children line-by-line.

Activity 2: Study the Poem's Pictures

  • Study the pictures and describe them in your own words.

Activity 3: Narrate the Poem

  • After reading or listening to the poem, narrate the poem events aloud using your own words.

Activity 4: Color the Poem   

  • Click the crayon above, and complete page 9 of 'Poetry Coloring Pages for First Grade.'

Activity 5: Create Novel Artwork Based on the Poem

  • One day this week, create artwork showing a small acorn growing on a high tree next to a much larger pumpkin growing on a vine on the ground.
  • Use paints, crayons, pastels, Legos, blocks, or Play-Doh to create the artwork.


Question 1

What is the title of the poem?
1 / 5

Answer 1

The title of the poem is 'The Acorn and the Pumpkin.'
1 / 5

Question 2

What happens in the poem?
2 / 5

Answer 2

A country bumpkin thinks pumpkins should grow on oak trees and acorns should grow on pumpkin vines. He falls asleep under an oak tree and an acorn hits him on the nose. He realizes pumpkins belong on vines on the ground.
2 / 5

Question 3

Where does the poem take place?
3 / 5

Answer 3

The poem takes place outdoors, near pumpkin vines and oak trees.
3 / 5

Question 4

Who are the characters in the poem?
4 / 5

Answer 4

The country bumpkin.
4 / 5

Question 5

Does the poem teach us anything?
5 / 5

Answer 5

Sometimes things are as they are for a reason.
5 / 5

  1. What is the title of the poem? The title of the poem is 'The Acorn and the Pumpkin.'
  2. What happens in the poem? A country bumpkin thinks pumpkins should grow on oak trees and acorns should grow on pumpkin vines. He falls asleep under an oak tree and an acorn hits him on the nose. He realizes pumpkins belong on vines on the ground.
  3. Where does the poem take place? The poem takes place outdoors, near pumpkin vines and oak trees.
  4. Who are the characters in the poem? The country bumpkin.
  5. Does the poem teach us anything? Sometimes things are as they are for a reason.