Activity 1: Recite the Opera Information
- Recite the name of the composer, the name of the opera, and the act and scene(s) of the opera.
Activity 2: Recite the Dramatis Personae
Read aloud the Dramatis Personae.
- Peter, Broom-maker.
- Gertrude, his wife.
- Hansel, their son.
- Gretel, their daughter.
- The Witch who eats children.
- Sandman, the Sleep Fairy.
- Dewman, the Dawn Fairy.
- Children.
- The Fourteen Angels.
Activity 3: Listen to the Opera While Reading the Text
- Select roles to read as desired.
- Play the opera music softly in the background.
- Read aloud the scene according to your selected roles.
Activity 4: Narrate the Lesson
- Narrate the lesson events aloud in your own words.
Activity 5: Examine the Libretto
A libretto is the text or dialog of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera.
Study a page of the libretto for 'Hansel and Gretel' and answer the following:
- In which language is this libretto page written?
- Which act and scene are represented on this page?
- What is the setting of this scene?
- Recite the names of any characters you recognize.