Activity 1: Narrate the Lesson
- After you read the lesson, narrate it aloud using your own words.
Activity 2: Draw and Label an Arrow
- Click the crayon above. Complete page 4 of 'Second Grade American History Coloring Pages, Copywork, and Writing.'
- In the lesson, Spelman learned how to make arrows like the American Indians.
- Draw an arrow, and label it as shown.
Activity 3: Identify Foods and Tools of the Virginia Indians
Find the following objects on the image below:
- Cooking Tools (1 and 2)
- Tomahawk (3)
- Seafood (4 and 5)
- Corn (6)
- Gourd Storage Container (7)
- Shell (8)
- Woven Mat (9)
- Pipe
Activity 4: Complete Coloring Pages, Copywork, and Writing
- Click the crayon above. Complete pages 5-6 of 'Second Grade American History Coloring Pages, Copywork, and Writing.'